Business name/DBA
Contact name
First Name
Last Name
Contact email
Preferred method of communication
Social media channels
List your current social media channels below. Please add the unique name or the url so we can have a look.
What does you and your business aim to achieve with online marketing? What are your hopes and expectations?
More awareness and reach
Collect emails and build our customer database
Increased engagement and interaction
More press / PR
Get more new customers
Increase visitor frequency
What makes your business concept different? Or What makes you unique?
What emotions do you hope to convey through your brand’s visuals and messaging? How would you describe your brand voice?
What are Your Business Strengths and Weaknesses?
How would you describe your business' culture?
What works?
What have you tried in marketing that has worked?
What doesn't work?
What marketing techniques have you that have NOT worked as well as expected?
Specials/Discounts or Promotions?
DO you currently offer any specials, discounts or promotions?
Marketing spend
Where do you currently spend your marketing dollars?
Email Marketing
Google AdWords
YouTube Ads
Facebook Ads or Boosting posts
Instagram Ads
Twitter Ads
LinkedIn Ads
Direct Mail Campaigns
If you replied other above...
If other, what methods of marketing are you using?
What are your marketing ideas?
What marketing tactics are you curious about or do you feel could work for you? Please explain.
Do you use email marketing?
If yes, how frequently do you send email communication to your list?
Once a week
Once a month
Less than once a month
How big is your email list?
Top competitors
Please list your top competitors
Who is your target audience?
Please describe your target audience as well as you can.
Think about the demographics of your target customer. Geographic area, Zip Codes if you serve a specific area, age ranges, related industries. Other helpful Demographics can include, age bracket, gender, profession, income levels, and any other information that believe will help the brand grow, please enter below. Ready, set, brain dump!
What does your target audience love the most about you?
Is there anything your audience dislikes about you?
Target audience interests?
Do you know anything about your target audience interests?
Who is missing out?
What part of the market do you think you are missing? Or who do you think should be frequenting your business but isn't?
Do you have any concerns?
If you have any concerns please describe them or give your consultant a call.
Did we forget anything?
Is there anything we need to know, that we have not asked, but you believe would be helpful for us to know, as your potential marketing partner?