

With an established online presence, “the golden gates” are open for activities such as outreach and advertising. Social media has evolved and is taking over as the preferred channel to reach consumers. Reports show that digital media accounts for 43% of total media ad spend in 2019, and is expected to surpass traditional media in 2020.



In a pay-to-play game, social media advertising is a must for brands. Why is it so important? For starters, organic reach is down across most of the major networks. The days of simply posting on social and expecting all your followers to see everything are over.

We are experts at target and retarget marketing. The Rise Factory can help you grow and increase conversion rates.


We live, we learn. The most valuable lessons come from our own community. By looking at the analytics we can learn and recognize what and how the community responds to our messaging.

Digital reports are helpful tools during quarterly or annual reporting. They can be a powerful resource in communicating with stakeholders such as customers, business partners and even shareholders.




The Rise Factory can help you connect with your community by employing tools and techniques that are proven to grow engagement.

We can identify relevant brands and influencers to collaborate with and help negotiate the terms and conditions of such activities.